The eli4d Gazette – Issue 074: Let me know what kind of online course you would like and an interesting WordPress Developer Survey

Let me know what kind of online course you would like

I am thinking of creating a new online course. If you liked one of my online courses and would like to learn something else, please fill out a 1-minute survey at this link.

An interesting WordPress developer survey from Delicious Brains

Delicious Brains (love that company name) posted a survey about the developer ecosystem in WordPress. While the sample size is small (420 responses) it’s still a very interesting survey.

You can find the newsletter archive at and the blog at

Thoughts? Feedback? Let me know: @eli4d on Twitter

The eli4d Gazette – Issue 072: Stackoverflow’s 2019 Developer Survey and Running BASIC Games

Stackoverflow’s 2019 Developer Survey

Another week…another developer survey 😺. The key results section summarizes the results well: Python is growing and devops jobs have high salaries.

Like all surveys, this one needs to be taken with a large grain of salt. Parts of the survey that I found interesting:

BASIC Computer Games

BASIC was my first programming language. It was a great programming language at the time (even with PEEKs and POKEs).

I came across a Hacker News article that linked to runnable BASIC games 😮. The Vintage Basic site provides a BASIC interpreter that will run on all platforms. Amazing!

You can find the newsletter archive at and the blog at

Thoughts? Feedback? Let me know: @eli4d on Twitter

The eli4d Gazette – Issue 069: Results from the 2018 Python Developers Survey and REST API Testing Resources

Interesting results from a 2018 Python Developers Survey

JetBrains, the makers of many IDEs teamed up with Python Software Foundation to run developer survey for 2018 (this is similar to the State of JavaScript survey for JS developers).

The 2018 survey can be found here: (There’s also a 2017 survey too)

Some interesting survey points:

  • Python 3 adoption is inching closer to 100 percent. Considering that Python 3 was released in 2008, the adoption curve has been very very slow.
  • The key take aways is a nice summary of the current state of Python development. It’s interesting to note that data science has overtaken web development among Python users. This is not completely surprising considering the availability of Jupyter notebook in conjunction with excellent tooling available through data science frameworks and libraries like NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and SciPy.

Neat REST API Testing Resources

I came across these interesting REST testing resources:

  • a hosted REST API that is ready to go
    • advantages: no setup needed
    • disadvantages: no guarantees of where your data resides (privacy, etc…)

  • JSON Server: an easy way to locally deploy a fake REST server
    • advantages: you can put whatever data you want since it’s on your machine (so no worries about privacy)
    • disadvantages: need to set it up (though the setup seems very easy using Node.js)

You can find the newsletter archive at and the blog at

Thoughts? Feedback? Let me know: @eli4d on Twitter

The eli4d Gazette – Issue 48: Learning Django 2 and the 2018 Stack Overflow Developer Survey

If you’re interested in learning Django 2

As a teacher and a learner, I’m on the lookout for great folks that create courses. If you’re interested in learning the Django framework (this may especially be of interest to my former Python students) then you might be interested in this kickstarter campaign by Tracy Osborn. Tracy approaches programming from a web designer point-of-view, and this is quite valuable from a “beginner’s mind” approach.

Check out the 2018 Stack Overflow Developer Survey

Stack Overflow is an amazing question and answer site that covers a tremendous amount of software development issues. It started originally as a response to Experts Exchange and has far exceeded its competitor’s breadth, depth, and utility.

Stack Overflow’s yearly development surveys have become an industry staple for software development trends. It’s an in-depth survey that has become better and better over the years. The 2018 survey is quite deep and extensive and is a well worth read.

If you’re looking for a concise summary of the 2018 survey, then check out Quincy Larson‘s summary.

Thoughts? Feedback? Let me know: @eli4d on Twitter

The eli4d Gazette – Issue 026

Issue 026: 2017-03-29

Tech Pick

Last week, Stack Overflow published their 2017 Developer Survey. It is a comprehensive survey examining a whole host of developer related topics ranging from technologies used to development practices. It’s one of those surveys that requires multiple read-throughs. My favorite section of the survey – “Most Loved, Dreaded, and Wanted Languages” (checkout JavaScript’s standing across all three categories…lol). Enjoy!

Media Pick

A recent Elixir Fountain podcast episode had an excellent interview with Chad Fowler. Chad’s reflections (and affection) for programming languages (especially Erlang) was quite neat. I notated specific sections of this interview through my twitter feed and can find these here.

Thoughts? Feedback? Let me know: @eli4d on Twitter.